LIBU University
We understand that our most valuable asset is found in our Representatives.To ensure they build strong businesses we know they must be fully equipped with the best tools, field trainers and customer support. We spare no expense to offer the very best and easy way to learn the education needed to be certified and to produce income through sales.
Watching, learning and passing the tests with a 70% or higher will ensure all LiBu Reps are ready to sell Farmworker Enterprise Foundation Memberships to potential Member Clients and refer the benefits enjoined therein.
LiBu University consists of three modules:

We understand that we grow as our systems are duplicatable and easy to implement. To that effect we have My First 90 Days Blast To Success training conducted by LiBu leadership. Here you will learn step-by-step how to build a successful sales business and marketing organization.

For now, LiBu will only teach on two of Farmworker Enterprise Foundation’s fourteen benefit products, namely Worker’s Comp, and Payroll. Learn from industry experts as they are interviewed by LiBu Leadership as to the ins and outs of Worker’s Comp and Payroll, their history and how we sell it to employers using our LiBu tools and LiVA assistant. Learn the many tax advantages of incorporating, and how most everyone should be incorporated.

LiBu Reps adhere to the highest standards of business practice and ethics. LiBu Leadership believes this is the most important module because it safeguards each Rep’s business and builds a solid foundation where to build wide and tall your LiBu business for you and future generations.